Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How to Eliminate Body Odor

How to Eliminate Body Odor - Most people experience this problem, the body odor. For the majority of people think well how to eliminate body odor. Odor on the body can be caused by many factors. Several factors such as lazy bath. If you're lazy bath is certainly your body odor becomes unpleasant. Next, body odor can also arise if you eat certain foods that contain substances that can cause body odor. Body odor is caused by bacteria that exist on certain body parts.

Bad body odor can be eliminated, with ease. Some tips For those of you who want to practice, you can buy and consume a special herbal medicine to eliminate body odor. Permanently eliminate body odor often been though to be using drugs. The effects of the drug can directly feel. However, if you want results that are safer use natural way. The natural way also keep you from the other side effects that may appear after you take herbal remedies though. The natural way is more healthy and kosher of course.

Some Natural Remedy Body Odor Remover

To eliminate odor from perspiration, it would be nice if you use some natural ingredients are certainly better and without effect smapoing. in addition, a natural substance that we will discuss this you can get at a traditional market with cheap prices. nah, wondering what are the ingredients in question? following the review for you.

1.      Shower 2 times a day
Just as how to eliminate bad breath, body odor the natural way to eliminate the first one is using water. Yep, you just bathe regularly and use perfumed soap. Afterwards, you are guaranteed to body odor disappeared. That is the reason why people are lazy bath becomes malodorous. Conversely, people who diligently smelling though the shower will not wear perfume. Savory smell was caused by the water, the water is an amazing substance.

2.      Betel leaf
Eliminate body odor can then use boiled water betel leaves are drunk. Yes, you can boil the sheets of betel leaves and drank. Its efficacy will be more severe compared to only use it for bathing. You can drink a decoction of betel leaf (water) on a regular basis in the morning and evening for maximum results. If you do not like the taste rancid, you can add honey or sugar water to taste.

3.      Lime
Next, tips eliminate body odor using lime. How to? Take the lemon and cut into several pieces and mix with whiting. Next, apply the lemon juice into your armpit. Do it this way on a regular basis so that the body odor disappeared. Not only in the armpit, you can also apply it to other body parts that cause odor.

4.      Clove
Eliminating the next natural body odor that is by drinking boiled water cloves. Cloves contain substances that are potent eliminate body odor. The trick, boil a few grains cloves until fluffy and mix the fruit with a little sugar. Drink the solution regularly until your body odor is really nothing. You can also use cucumber to remove the bad smell on the body. The trick, cut-cut cucumber and rub into the body part that has a bad odor. Do it regularly.

5.      Basil leave
The next step for eliminating body odor is to use the basil leaves. Basil has a fragrant aroma refreshing. You stay regularly consume basil leaves. You can make it as fresh vegetables as usual. You also can eat it without anything additional. There are some recipes that process the basil dun become gelatinous basil. You will need to try to taste different flavors of basil. How to make jelly basil quite easy. You only need to soften some basil leaves, boil it, then mix it with agar-agar (jelly) which has no flavor (without flavor). You can add sugar to suit your taste. Therefore, it can be used to eliminate body odor and underarm. In addition to eliminating body odor, it could basil tree also for diabetes herbal medicine.

6.      Ginger
Eliminate body odor next, you could also use ginger. Your ginger cut into sections and then rub into body parts such malodorous armpits. Ginger can also be boiled and then drinking boiled water ginger. You can add sugar so sweet. You can drink this ginger herbs regularly so that maximum results. Lastly, kecombrang or kecombrang leaves you can use to rub the body smell. Kecombrang leaf is a leaf pink sour, usually the extra material to make a salad vegetable.

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