Thursday, January 26, 2017

Areca nut Fruit Benefits and Side Effects

At first glance nut trees have the same shape as the palm tree, but when looked at closely look very different. Pinang is a type of palm plant, has a high trunk to trunk can reach a height of 25m-shaped slim and straight up.
The leaves are above the base of the stem is similar to a palm tree, but be different leaf stalks are shorter than coconut and have different leaves of coconut course. In addition it also has fruit trees. Fruit move similar to coconut growing this fruit will appear in a tree with roots similar to coconuts but the smaller size of the betel nuts from coconuts. This tree can grow in a tropical environment.
benefits areca nut examples This tree is very famous when on August 17th to coincide with Indonesia's Independence Day usually people take trees to be made means to contest that climbing is a race that uses tree trunks areca nut smeared by oil and then people attempt to climb the slippery areca nut to take the top prize at the top of the trunk.
There is no rule climbing should pack areca nut or not some people choose to use bamboo instead of the nut, but the use of bamboo is very riskkan because the bamboo poles must be contained sections segments and it can mengakibatka injury for participants climbing, selection of stem areca nut is better because the stem is not No segment and seamlessly. areca nut also frequently used by the public as gutters do remove the middle nut and place the appropriate spot be gutters made of areca.
Besides betel nut itself is as one of the ingredients to make a betel, areca benefits have been known since ancient times by our ancestors. Seeing these functions if the nut has health benefits certainly exist because in the betel nut are compounds called arecaidine, arecolidine, guvacoline, and other guracine following are the various benefits of betel nut:
Benefits of areca nut For Humans
Benefits of areca nut For Humans
1.  1.      Coping with dry mouth
People who do not dry mouth chewing usually this is caused by the performance of areca nut makes the salivary glands become out continuously. Saliva will prevent people getting diseases such as dysentery and Sjögren's syndrome.
2.      Strengthen teeth and gums
Iris then chew some betel nut slices that it can strengthen teeth and gums.
3.      Anthelmintic
Set up a quarter of areca nut, ginger half-sized finger, half finger turmeric ,. All of these materials in seized up to honor and then strain the water and drink. The water content of these drinks can overcome worming. It is used also by the chicken farm that the hens breeder worms and can maintain the production of eggs for free with worms.
4.      Treating skin wounds
Search flesh areca nut young then mash until smooth, paste the result of the collision to the injured skin. Do it gradually and continue the wound will quickly heal.
5.      myopic eyes
Chewing betel palms meat da swallow the water it can cope with myopic eyes.
6.      vaginal Tightening
According to Dian gantini a Herbalife said that fruit that has a somewhat sour taste astringent this at say if very good for the recovery of the vagina after childbirth. How to consume it also includes simple way of cooking betel then filter the water and then drink on an ongoing basis after childbirth.
7.      Increase vitality
In addition to vaginal tightening nut was also to increase the ability or virility. Moreover, it can stimulate hormones to increase sex drive for nut, there is a compound that can improve the performance of the heart to make this possible. But should look to consume nut should be restricted as harmful to the body if too excessive.
Side effects

But keep in mind to consume betel nut should be immediately stopped if the disease is in pain is cured. Because believe this fruit has poison in it. Excessive consumption will be harmful to the body in the womb believe can make people with cancer. In addition it nyirih activities that use betel nut in it if the excess will cause anemia against the perpetrators, therefore nyirih activity should stay away from pregnant women. Besides side effects include worsen the condition of people who have high blood pressure or low and make the irregular heartbeat. The content arekaina and arekolina that makes areca nut has poison in it, and both of these compounds are akditif. Therefore, if the disease is in idap should already be lost should immediately stop taking the areca nut.

Indonesia as a country that includes having a lot of areca nut trees make this tree as one of the exporting material with exact destination like India, Bangladesh and Nepal Pakistan. Areca in exports is generally dry conditions can be shaped seeds whole or areca already in the split. In their own country  the betel nut it self also as a base for the manufacture of a kind of candy snacks. Areca fruit when ripe reddish or yellow, the color green betel nut, is not yet ripe. His own oval shape like an egg or oil but small. In addition to Indonesia as a sending country's betel other countries are like Malaysia and Thailand also sell to other countries.

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