Sunday, March 13, 2016

Diabetes Symptoms
There are many people who feel they did'nt have diabetes  until complications occur. Diseases that come secretly is indeed difficult to identifiable physical view. However, there are some symptoms that could be identified. Recognize at early in order to complications of the disease do not undermine your body.
"It is a degenerative disease related to aging, automatic ability of the pancreas we will not be the same as when  youth age.
His name of age increase sure there is a decrease in the ability of the organs in the body including the pancreas," said Dr. Mohammad Firas book launch Diabetes and Me at Kinokuniya, Senayan, Jakarta.
According to doctors who are members of the Persadia (Indonesian Diabetes Association) Young, one of which must be straightened out about diabetes is a maze of recovery. In fact, diabetes can not be cured. However, the disease can be controlled if it is already recognized by diabetes. And to know her, the symptoms of diabetes must also be considered.
Here are some symptoms that can be recognized, as quoted from the book Diabetes and Me written by Sidartawan Soegondo and edited by dr. John Purwoto SpPD-KEMD and Yulia, professor of Nursing, University of Indonesia published by Elex Media Komputindo, 2015.
Body limp and less energy is characteristic of people suffering from diabetes. Although eating foods in large amounts but people with diabetes remains a lack of energy. This is caused by the hormone insulin that is no longer active so your blood sugar is difficult across the cell membrane and the buildup of blood sugar.
2. Frequent urination
Because eating and drinking excessively then diabetes so frequent urination. This usually happens at night with a frequency of more than three times. If you do not drink a lot of water before bed, but often alternating showers, then it is a marker of diabetes symptoms.
3. Easy sleepy
In diabetes the sugar carried in the blood is poorly absorbed by the body, because it is not absorbed eventually the sugar is wasted through urine. Consequently needed energy was not met, this is the cause of drowsiness.
4. Weight is reduced without cause
"Within a month or two that weight can be decreased by more than 10 kilograms. After that start to feel the symptoms of diabetes-diabetes," says Firas. This sort of diabetes symptoms that you should recognize.
Lack of energy due to the failure of insulin to change glucose into energy makes the body energized. The next body will use fat stores in the body as energy. This will continue until no trace of fat.
5. Skin itching, dry and prone to infection
Diabetes skin looks pale and dry due to damage to the peripheral nerves or peripheral neuropathy. This affects the circulation and function of the sweat glands.
6. The wound is not easily healed
With the collapse of insulin in operation, the immune system also helped affected. Diseases from outside easily attacked, especially wounds in the legs and hands.
7. Blurred vision
Excess sugar levels can damage blood vessels and nerves of the eye. Another explanation says that the high sugar levels trigger the withdrawal of water in the cell through a process of osmosis.
8. Hands and feet tingling
Nerves in the hands and feet are also affected by the excess sugar in the blood. The effect is the reduced ability of the nerve to feel.

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