Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Benefits of Keji Beling For Health

Benefits Keji Beling - There are many types of plants that can be used as herbs for health and treatment of disease. So many, make the most of the people do not understand all the types of herbs and their uses. One is the vile plant shard. Most people do not know about plants nasty shard, but this plant usually grows wild in perkarangan home and empty fields.

Java community calls nasty shard with getih sambang name. In general, this plant is widely used as a cure dysentery. For those readers who do not know the nasty shard, on this occasion will also be given a little information about the characteristics of plants nasty shard.

This plant has a distinctive leaf shape, leaf green upper part and the lower part has a purple color, including the bones of the leaves.
Nasty shard has a long petiole, having faced feathers at the base.
Plants have a nasty shard lying wet stems that have a height of about ¼ meters,
Nasty shard plant flowers are small, yellow-white.
Part of the plant used to make traditional medicine is the leaves. This is because in the leaves nasty rivet there are substances that are useful for treating various kinds of diseases. To be more clear, know the benefits nasty shard to health and treatment according to what is dianalisir of source. As for this are as follows:

6 Benefits  of Keji Beling

  • Preventing and Overcoming Cancer

Plants nasty shard, especially in the leaves have toxic to the cancer cells, so it can be used to treat cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. In addition, it also has antioxidant properties can be used to avoid the risk of free radical.

  • Curing Disease Gallstones

Gallstone disease is a type of serious illness and should be addressed immediately. Gallstone disease can also be cured by consuming the concoction nasty shard. Make a decoction of the leaves nasty shard easy to do, take leaves nasty shard as much as 5-6 pieces, wash the leaves thoroughly and then boil use 2 cups of water until the remaining half, strain and drink the potion when cold.

  • treating Diarrhea

Diarrhea or bowel condition irregularly is a disease caused by indigestion, colds or eating too much spicy food. To handle it, can be done by taking the herb leaves nasty shard. Take 3-5 leaves nasty shard that has been washed clean, boil the leaves by using 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, let stand and strain to drink when they are cold.

  • Treating Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)

Diabetes is a serious disease type, the disease can be cured by eating leaves nasty shard regularly. The trick is to take four leaves nasty shard that had been cleaned, and then eat it directly. In order not so pronounced, consume the leaves as vegetables.

  • Relieves Stomach Pain

Although heartburn mild disease included in the group, but still may not be disepelehkan. Gastric ulcer disease will cause pain and tenderness, to ease it can be done by eating three leaves nasty shard that had been cleaned as vegetables.

  • Treating Itching Due Ulat Bulu

Silkworm is an animal that has fine hairs that give effect to itch when exposed to the skin surface. The intense itching is very annoying and can cause red bumps. This can be overcome by rubbing leaves nasty shard on the affected skin.
Despite the nasty shard is a plant that can be used as a traditional medicine, but selingilah through constant medical treatment and even more so want to overcome a serious illness. To get the maximum treatment, first make sure that does not choose the wrong type of plant and sure to use only the leaves nasty shard in a fresh state

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