Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Benefits Leaves Bed For Traditional Medicine Dengue

White jasmine is a plant species with pinnate compound leaves (pinnate). Jasmine leaf health benefits for them can cure dengue. Not only that, for nursing mothers there is a special purpose which is to reduce the production of breast milk (ASI) is excessive. These plants tend to be easy to find because its viability is not dependent by a local geographical conditions. You can see the white jasmine thrives in the yard, garden and even the roadside.

jasmine plant

Here is a list of traditional medicines made from the leaves of white jasmine, note the dose and the dose that can be absorbed by the body natural properties to the fullest.

  1. Treat colitis : Set up a handful of fresh jasmine leaves, boiled in 3 cups of water. Wait until the remaining 1 cup only. Strain, discard the cooking water stools and grab earlier. Drinking regularly twice a day for 2 weeks. If colitis improved, continue until it is completely healed.
  2. Treat dengue :Take a handful of leaves that are still fresh, well prepared 1.25 grams of starfruit. Wash both materials up and then boiled with 1 ½ cups of water until the water is reduced to one glass. Wait until cool then strain and drink the water. The suggested dosage is 8 glasses a day for three days.
  3. Stopping extra milk : Take a handful of white jasmine leaves, wash clean. Mash until smooth then put on around the breast to reduce milk production. Meanwhile, to facilitate breastfeeding, use papaya leaves warm (put on the fire until softened).
  4. Overcoming RedEye : Paste jasmine leaf that has been pounded into powder to your forehead. If the herb is dry, immediately replace the new. Perform routine every day until the eyes are not red.

White jasmine leaf will be more efficacious if it is still in a fresh state for natural substances are still intact. Do not hesitate to start taking advantage of the abundant natural goodness around you.

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