Monday, January 30, 2017

Sleep Benefits Without Bra that Rare Unknown

Sleep is the body literal activity that must be done every day because it helps various organs in order to get back in shape after a long day. After a day of activity, rest his body of work of various organs of the body that took a hard day. Not maybe someone can keep working without a break, because we need the current recovery of the body becomes fresh again is sleeping. in outline, benefits of sleep  is for the recovery of the body and a variety of other health conditions.
Sleep can be defined circumstances in which a person is unconscious and can wake by gunangan or sound stimulation. Sleep is not just a situation that happens sometimes, but as characteristic activities of the activities that are common, but the lack of activity and the level of awareness varies between individuals. So in essence, as is the need to sleep eat that did occur in humans and other living beings.

Benefits of sleep in general
• Assist Regeneration of cells - During sleep, cells in the body occurs replacement of cells that have been damaged with new ones. Sleep optimize the work of the cells in the body.
• Concentration and memory increases - fatigue due to work activity a day can reduce the concentration, and therefore needed to sleep for clicking istirahatkannya. And during sleep growth hormones work. Activity that you do when you are awake before can be maintained by the brain.
• Lowers blood pressure - study showed gelala heart disease, stroke and even symptoms of diabetes can be avoided with a good night's sleep, for six hours every day in adults.
• Reduce stress - People who sleep less, sometimes less control in berkeseharian. Because the body is still feeling leth that accumulate from previous activities.

Sleep Without Bra
Benefits of sleep without a bra is very real for health, there are even some studies that link the use of bra during sleep with breast cancer. Here are some benefits:
• Increases blood circulation to the breast.
• Avoid skin irritation, some tight bra can cause irritation to your skin.
• Avoid potential causes of breast cancer, research is still being conducted and is still being debated. Clear the blood circulation to the breast will be disturbed when you are wearing a tight bra is believed to be one of the causes of breast cancer.
• Avoid sweating during sleep, wearing a bra while sleeping will cause you to sweat especially those who have a rubber material, and quite tight.
Benefits of sleep without a bra is still a debate in the medical world, particularly in connection with cancer. But it is good to wear a bra when sleeping wisely so as not to risk mentioned above.

Tips Wearing Bra when sleep
If you are forced to use a bra while sleeping, it helps you listen to these helpful tips.
1. Use a loose bra
2. Use a bra with a cool material
3. Open the bra hook during sleep
This 3 Tips formed the basis for you to guide the use of a bra during sleep, but it's good if there are no obstacles you remove the bra while sleeping.
In addition to sleep without a bra, indirectly sleeping was also beneficial for the skin to look beautiful glow.

Sleep Benefits For Beautiful Skin
Sleep is also very good for skin health. Here are some benefits:
• Beautify Skin
Beautiful skin can occur for optimal skin cell regeneration. How is it possible if you often sleep late? whereas the process of skin regeneration, optimum when you sleep. Get used to sleep enough each night before 10 and your skin breathe.
• Improve skin elasticity
Benefits of sleep makes the skin resulting in hormone HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which will help the natural elasticity of your skin naturally.
• Prevent Acne
Acne is certainly very disturbing your appearance, because the middle inflamed acne usually plague. Before such a thing happens, start sleeping enough at night. Sleep may help prevent inflammation and insulin resistance, a major cause of acne. Do not forget to wash your face before bed.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Benefits of Cassava Leaves For Health

Benefits of cassava leaves seemed to be no stranger to us, this delicious vegetable is very much popular in various regions in Indonesia. Vegetables that one is already familiar with the tongue of Indonesia, especially those living in rural areas. Cassava plants themselves are plentiful and easy to obtain, which is why the fruit itself or cassava leaves, widely used in the culinary repertoire of the archipelago.

Cassava leaves very familiar as one of the vegetables that arouse the tongue, or by cooking with liquid milk, commonly called cassava leaf vegetable. In addition to cassava leaves popular because it tastes delicious, the benefits of cassava leaves himself no less remarkable. Here we will consider the benefits of cassava leaves, closer.

Nutrient content

Cassava leaf nutrient content is quite varied, as well as other green vegetables, it also has a relatively high fiber content. Here are some of the high nutrient content in cassava leaves.

  • Fiber
  • Vitamin A, B1
  • Carbohydrate
  • Essential Amino Acids
  • protein

Benefits of cassava leaf alone can we make a referral through nutritional content, but has been circulating in the community at large that the cassava leaves are suitable for the treatment of various diseases and complaints. Some valuable nutrients, tekandung on cassava leaves as vitamin B1, vitamin A, essential amino acids and karboidrat. It certainly makes a very good cassava leaves benefits when consumed as your daily menu.

1. Help Metabolism

Cassava leaves are a source of vegetable protein is very large, it is a kind of plant protein that contains vitamin B. Vitamin B is needed to build the body's cells that will form the enzymes that help the body's metabolism. Sustainable human, in other words cassava leaves helps processes in the body.

2. As Energy Source

The content of various protein or essential amino acids in cassava leaves very helpful providing useful energy for the human body. Essential amino acids in cassava leaves, helps change carbohydrates into energy to be used by the body move. ,

3. Leaves of cassava as a Source of Antioxidants

Cassava leaves is one excellent source of antioxidants to prevent and get rid of free radicals in the body. These free radicals themselves are one cause of dangerous diseases such as cancer and in the field of beauty can lead to premature aging.

4. Formation and Regeneration Body Cells

Essential amino acids contained in the cassava leaves is one of the important sources to maintain and regenerate cells in the human body. Amino acids are proteins that can help in the growth of damaged cells and provide updates to the cells in the body to keep it functioning normally.

5. To Diet

Turns Cassava leaves are also very well be used for diet, high in fiber and protein in it is one of your daily healthy diet.

6. Good For Digestion

Almost everyone knows that fiber vegetables are good for digestion that can help heal the human colon, as well as cassava leaves. Regular consumption of cassava leaves will also give the effect was quite good for our digestion.

7. Replenish Blood

Vegetable cassava leaves are a very potent blood booster adds blood when you're anemic.

Cassava Leaves For Traditional Medicine

The most surprising of cassava leaf properties is its ability to fight and as a remedy for illness complaints. Some diseases, believed to be dealt with by the cassava leaves to reduce misery. Here are:

cure Diarrhea
Prescription medication, take about seven pieces of cassava leaf and then wash clean. Rebusalah cassava leaves with water as much as 800cc. Leave until the water The High 400cc. Drink twice a day, as many as 200 cc per drink. Cassava leaves believed to be effective in helping to reduce diarrhea.

Treatment of rheumatic disease
If you happen to like sore after work, there may be symptoms of arthritis in the body. Treatment solutions, Prepare about 5 pieces of cassava leaves and mix leaves whiting and give the water a bit. Then knead until herb crushed and smeared on the joints pains felt. Use this three times a day.

Benefits of cassava leaves a very big role for the human body, especially for those of you who are affected by anemia. In addition to delicious cassava leaves can also be created as a super tasty vegetables.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Areca nut Fruit Benefits and Side Effects

At first glance nut trees have the same shape as the palm tree, but when looked at closely look very different. Pinang is a type of palm plant, has a high trunk to trunk can reach a height of 25m-shaped slim and straight up.
The leaves are above the base of the stem is similar to a palm tree, but be different leaf stalks are shorter than coconut and have different leaves of coconut course. In addition it also has fruit trees. Fruit move similar to coconut growing this fruit will appear in a tree with roots similar to coconuts but the smaller size of the betel nuts from coconuts. This tree can grow in a tropical environment.
benefits areca nut examples This tree is very famous when on August 17th to coincide with Indonesia's Independence Day usually people take trees to be made means to contest that climbing is a race that uses tree trunks areca nut smeared by oil and then people attempt to climb the slippery areca nut to take the top prize at the top of the trunk.
There is no rule climbing should pack areca nut or not some people choose to use bamboo instead of the nut, but the use of bamboo is very riskkan because the bamboo poles must be contained sections segments and it can mengakibatka injury for participants climbing, selection of stem areca nut is better because the stem is not No segment and seamlessly. areca nut also frequently used by the public as gutters do remove the middle nut and place the appropriate spot be gutters made of areca.
Besides betel nut itself is as one of the ingredients to make a betel, areca benefits have been known since ancient times by our ancestors. Seeing these functions if the nut has health benefits certainly exist because in the betel nut are compounds called arecaidine, arecolidine, guvacoline, and other guracine following are the various benefits of betel nut:
Benefits of areca nut For Humans
Benefits of areca nut For Humans
1.  1.      Coping with dry mouth
People who do not dry mouth chewing usually this is caused by the performance of areca nut makes the salivary glands become out continuously. Saliva will prevent people getting diseases such as dysentery and Sjögren's syndrome.
2.      Strengthen teeth and gums
Iris then chew some betel nut slices that it can strengthen teeth and gums.
3.      Anthelmintic
Set up a quarter of areca nut, ginger half-sized finger, half finger turmeric ,. All of these materials in seized up to honor and then strain the water and drink. The water content of these drinks can overcome worming. It is used also by the chicken farm that the hens breeder worms and can maintain the production of eggs for free with worms.
4.      Treating skin wounds
Search flesh areca nut young then mash until smooth, paste the result of the collision to the injured skin. Do it gradually and continue the wound will quickly heal.
5.      myopic eyes
Chewing betel palms meat da swallow the water it can cope with myopic eyes.
6.      vaginal Tightening
According to Dian gantini a Herbalife said that fruit that has a somewhat sour taste astringent this at say if very good for the recovery of the vagina after childbirth. How to consume it also includes simple way of cooking betel then filter the water and then drink on an ongoing basis after childbirth.
7.      Increase vitality
In addition to vaginal tightening nut was also to increase the ability or virility. Moreover, it can stimulate hormones to increase sex drive for nut, there is a compound that can improve the performance of the heart to make this possible. But should look to consume nut should be restricted as harmful to the body if too excessive.
Side effects

But keep in mind to consume betel nut should be immediately stopped if the disease is in pain is cured. Because believe this fruit has poison in it. Excessive consumption will be harmful to the body in the womb believe can make people with cancer. In addition it nyirih activities that use betel nut in it if the excess will cause anemia against the perpetrators, therefore nyirih activity should stay away from pregnant women. Besides side effects include worsen the condition of people who have high blood pressure or low and make the irregular heartbeat. The content arekaina and arekolina that makes areca nut has poison in it, and both of these compounds are akditif. Therefore, if the disease is in idap should already be lost should immediately stop taking the areca nut.

Indonesia as a country that includes having a lot of areca nut trees make this tree as one of the exporting material with exact destination like India, Bangladesh and Nepal Pakistan. Areca in exports is generally dry conditions can be shaped seeds whole or areca already in the split. In their own country  the betel nut it self also as a base for the manufacture of a kind of candy snacks. Areca fruit when ripe reddish or yellow, the color green betel nut, is not yet ripe. His own oval shape like an egg or oil but small. In addition to Indonesia as a sending country's betel other countries are like Malaysia and Thailand also sell to other countries.

Benefits of Pomegranate For Health

Perhaps many of us who do not know the benefits of pomegranate. Pomegranate is a fruit that comes from the Middle East country, which used to be planted in loose soil but not much water. The fruit has three types, there is a white, red and green. The benefits of pomegranate are also often used for salad diet foods or used as a syrup. As a natural food in general, the benefits of pomegranate are also abundant as well kandunga substance in it.

The content of nutrients that can be given by a pomegranate, a positive effect on health. Some of the benefits of the pomegranate, including:

1. Dental Care

One of the best benefits of the pomegranate is bahwajus pomegranate memilikisifat antibacterial and antiviral that will help to reduce the effects of dental plaque and protect against various diseases of the mouth.

2. Maintain Heart Health

An experiment conducted in 2005 by 45 patients with coronary heart disease showed that pomegranate juice drinks daily were given three months to make the blood flow more smoothly and the heart to a lower risk of heart attack. The study did not say what the results mean for conditions such as heart attack, thus reported positive results can be decreased by chance.

3. Carotid artery stenosis

A good study of 2004 patients with carotid artery stenosis (narrowed arteries) found that a glass of pomegranate juice daily (50 ml) over three years to reduce the damage caused by cholesterol in the arteries, and also reduce cholesterol. However, this effect is not clearly understood to conditions such as stroke.

4. Prevent Prostate Cancer

One small study in 2006 found that drinking 227 ml of pomegranate juice daily will significantly slow the progress of prostate cancer in men with recurrent prostate cancer. , But further research is needed to find evidence to support these findings.

5. Coping with Stomach Disorders

Peel the pomegranate and use to soothe stomach upset or diarrhea caused by any kind of digestive problems. Drinking tea made from the leaves of the fruit also helps in curing digestive problems. Pomegranate juice is also used to deal with problems such as dysentery and cholera.

6. Avoid Anemia

Healthy blood flow can be maintained in the body by eating this fruit in any form. Pomegranate supplies of iron in the blood, will help reduce the symptoms of anemia, including fatigue, dizziness, weakness, and hearing loss.

7. Prevent Osteoarthritis

Pomegranate helps reduce diseases of various forms including atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. Damage caused by the thickening and hardening of the arteries, cartilage and joints can be cured by eating this fruit. Pomegranate is able to prevent the formation of enzymes responsible for the connective tissue in the body.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits For Skin

Pomegranate juice, can be the secret ingredient to get healthy skin, here are some of them:

8. Anti-Aging

Diet pomegranate juice may help slow the aging process that will reduce wrinkles and fine lines caused by sun exposure. It also will help maintain the regeneration of skin cells and prevent the occurrence of excessive pigmentation and dark spots.

9. Suitable For All Skin Types

Pomegranate juice can work magic for dry skin. The structure of small molecules will penetrate deep into the skin to provide sufficient moisture and hydration to the skin. Therefore the pomegranate juice will soothe dry and irritated skin. Pomegranate juice is also beneficial for oily prone skin. Application of pomegranate juice on oily skin to prevent acne outbreaks and control sebum production.

10. Help Heal Wounds

Pomegranate helps in the regeneration of skin cells in the epidermis and dermis layers. Pomegranate juice has the ability to accelerate the wound healing process. Even the pomegranate seed oil is loaded with nutrients, skin friendly will be useful for strengthening and regeneration of the epidermis. It also protects the skin from the sun and heal the damage caused to the skin due to sun exposure is continuous.
11. Improve Skin Texture

Pomegranate is also known to extend the life of fibroblasts responsible for the production of collagen which tightens the skin and prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen will give strength and support to the skin. Pomegranate is also very useful to lighten skin color. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day to make the skin color evenly.

12. Brighten Skin Color

Mix 1 teaspoon of the green papaya, grape seed oil and grape seed extract with 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice and apply on the face. Let stand for about an hour and Washing with warm water. Use a cotton ball to apply the pomegranate juice directly on the face after cleansing.
Plants recognize Pomegranate
Pomegranate trees have woody stems, branches faceted, branching many, the weak, spiked in the armpit of the leaves. Brown when young and old with dirty green after high mancapai 2-5 cm. In the pomegranate plant, form a single short-stemmed flowers, exit end of the branch or in the armpit leaves the top and will bloom throughout the year.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

How to Eliminate Body Odor

How to Eliminate Body Odor - Most people experience this problem, the body odor. For the majority of people think well how to eliminate body odor. Odor on the body can be caused by many factors. Several factors such as lazy bath. If you're lazy bath is certainly your body odor becomes unpleasant. Next, body odor can also arise if you eat certain foods that contain substances that can cause body odor. Body odor is caused by bacteria that exist on certain body parts.

Bad body odor can be eliminated, with ease. Some tips For those of you who want to practice, you can buy and consume a special herbal medicine to eliminate body odor. Permanently eliminate body odor often been though to be using drugs. The effects of the drug can directly feel. However, if you want results that are safer use natural way. The natural way also keep you from the other side effects that may appear after you take herbal remedies though. The natural way is more healthy and kosher of course.

Some Natural Remedy Body Odor Remover

To eliminate odor from perspiration, it would be nice if you use some natural ingredients are certainly better and without effect smapoing. in addition, a natural substance that we will discuss this you can get at a traditional market with cheap prices. nah, wondering what are the ingredients in question? following the review for you.

1.      Shower 2 times a day
Just as how to eliminate bad breath, body odor the natural way to eliminate the first one is using water. Yep, you just bathe regularly and use perfumed soap. Afterwards, you are guaranteed to body odor disappeared. That is the reason why people are lazy bath becomes malodorous. Conversely, people who diligently smelling though the shower will not wear perfume. Savory smell was caused by the water, the water is an amazing substance.

2.      Betel leaf
Eliminate body odor can then use boiled water betel leaves are drunk. Yes, you can boil the sheets of betel leaves and drank. Its efficacy will be more severe compared to only use it for bathing. You can drink a decoction of betel leaf (water) on a regular basis in the morning and evening for maximum results. If you do not like the taste rancid, you can add honey or sugar water to taste.

3.      Lime
Next, tips eliminate body odor using lime. How to? Take the lemon and cut into several pieces and mix with whiting. Next, apply the lemon juice into your armpit. Do it this way on a regular basis so that the body odor disappeared. Not only in the armpit, you can also apply it to other body parts that cause odor.

4.      Clove
Eliminating the next natural body odor that is by drinking boiled water cloves. Cloves contain substances that are potent eliminate body odor. The trick, boil a few grains cloves until fluffy and mix the fruit with a little sugar. Drink the solution regularly until your body odor is really nothing. You can also use cucumber to remove the bad smell on the body. The trick, cut-cut cucumber and rub into the body part that has a bad odor. Do it regularly.

5.      Basil leave
The next step for eliminating body odor is to use the basil leaves. Basil has a fragrant aroma refreshing. You stay regularly consume basil leaves. You can make it as fresh vegetables as usual. You also can eat it without anything additional. There are some recipes that process the basil dun become gelatinous basil. You will need to try to taste different flavors of basil. How to make jelly basil quite easy. You only need to soften some basil leaves, boil it, then mix it with agar-agar (jelly) which has no flavor (without flavor). You can add sugar to suit your taste. Therefore, it can be used to eliminate body odor and underarm. In addition to eliminating body odor, it could basil tree also for diabetes herbal medicine.

6.      Ginger
Eliminate body odor next, you could also use ginger. Your ginger cut into sections and then rub into body parts such malodorous armpits. Ginger can also be boiled and then drinking boiled water ginger. You can add sugar so sweet. You can drink this ginger herbs regularly so that maximum results. Lastly, kecombrang or kecombrang leaves you can use to rub the body smell. Kecombrang leaf is a leaf pink sour, usually the extra material to make a salad vegetable.

Benefits of Fruit Longan

One type of seasonal fruit is often anticipated presence longan or litchi fruit. The fruit is famous because it tastes sweet and juicy, longan fruit actually enter into the family duku and langsep because they have the size and shape are almost the same. Longan is a fruit that grows clustered together like grapes.
Not only famous for its sweet taste, longan fruit is also famous for nutrient content and benefits.  in longan fruit are the nutritional content in the form of phytochemical compounds, tartik acid, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin C, potassium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium , manganese, zinc and many more.
Well, after knowing a number of nutrient content contained in longan fruit, next will be described the benefits of longan fruit for health.

10 Benefits of Fruit Longan
1. Helps Cardiac Performance
Longan fruit is found in the number of nutrients that serve to calm the nerves, blood circulation and can reduce cholesterol levels. Thus, the heart becomes more optimal performance.
2. Overcome and Prevent Anemia (Less Blood)
Anemia is a deficiency disease of red blood cells, so it can make the body becomes weak, dizzy and fainting spells. To overcome and prevent anemia can be done by consuming fruits longan.
3. Can Stabilize Body Temperature
Inside there longan fruit contains vitamin C which has the ability to maintain body temperature to keep warm in the winter and serves to boost the immune system, making the body free from bacterial infections, germs and viruses.
4. Calm the Mind
Longan fruit contains anti-depressant has a role to overcome nerve problems because it can relax the body and can improve nerve function, so the body will avoid the problem of insomnia (sleep disturbance).
5. Increase Energy
Longan fruit is also a natural tonic that can increase the energy needed by the body when on the move, so the body does not feel tired even when you're running a strenuous activity though.
6. Overcoming Dehydration
Because it has a fairly high water content, longan fruit can be consumed to quench the thirst of so free in the threat of dehydration.
7. Increase Appetite
The content of nutrients abundant owned by longan fruits have a function to increase appetite, so it can get the body to the ideal body weight for skinny people.
8. Smooth Digestive System
Fiber and water content contained in the longan fruit have the ability to launch the digestive system, so free from the problem of constipation, constipation, hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders.
9. Eliminate Toxic Substances in the Body
The content of the antioxidant and phytochemical compounds owned by longan fruit has the ability to remove toxic substances in the body in the form of sweat, urine and fesses.
10. Maintain Healthy Skin
Longan fruit contained in the content of nutrients such as potassium and vitamin C. Both the nutrient content have the ability to maintain healthy skin, tighten the skin, smoothing the skin, brighten the skin and keep the skin moist.
In addition to delicious and fresh to be consumed directly, longan fruit can also be processed into a variety of delicious food, such as longan juice, pudding longan, longan ice, as ice mix fruit, mix fruit salad, garnish desserts and other sebagainya.Walaupun has the shape and small size, longan fruit turns out to have a myriad of health benefits for the body. This is certainly good news for lovers of fruits, especially for those who are very fond of this longan fruit.
All these benefits can be obtained when consumed in portions wise longan, taste and not excessive. Too much consumption of longan fruit can also give adverse effects to the health of the body, including the throat can cause disorders such as sore throat, cough and voice serek. Therefore, consumption remains within reasonable portion alone

Benefits of Keji Beling For Health

Benefits Keji Beling - There are many types of plants that can be used as herbs for health and treatment of disease. So many, make the most of the people do not understand all the types of herbs and their uses. One is the vile plant shard. Most people do not know about plants nasty shard, but this plant usually grows wild in perkarangan home and empty fields.

Java community calls nasty shard with getih sambang name. In general, this plant is widely used as a cure dysentery. For those readers who do not know the nasty shard, on this occasion will also be given a little information about the characteristics of plants nasty shard.

This plant has a distinctive leaf shape, leaf green upper part and the lower part has a purple color, including the bones of the leaves.
Nasty shard has a long petiole, having faced feathers at the base.
Plants have a nasty shard lying wet stems that have a height of about ¼ meters,
Nasty shard plant flowers are small, yellow-white.
Part of the plant used to make traditional medicine is the leaves. This is because in the leaves nasty rivet there are substances that are useful for treating various kinds of diseases. To be more clear, know the benefits nasty shard to health and treatment according to what is dianalisir of source. As for this are as follows:

6 Benefits  of Keji Beling

  • Preventing and Overcoming Cancer

Plants nasty shard, especially in the leaves have toxic to the cancer cells, so it can be used to treat cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. In addition, it also has antioxidant properties can be used to avoid the risk of free radical.

  • Curing Disease Gallstones

Gallstone disease is a type of serious illness and should be addressed immediately. Gallstone disease can also be cured by consuming the concoction nasty shard. Make a decoction of the leaves nasty shard easy to do, take leaves nasty shard as much as 5-6 pieces, wash the leaves thoroughly and then boil use 2 cups of water until the remaining half, strain and drink the potion when cold.

  • treating Diarrhea

Diarrhea or bowel condition irregularly is a disease caused by indigestion, colds or eating too much spicy food. To handle it, can be done by taking the herb leaves nasty shard. Take 3-5 leaves nasty shard that has been washed clean, boil the leaves by using 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, let stand and strain to drink when they are cold.

  • Treating Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)

Diabetes is a serious disease type, the disease can be cured by eating leaves nasty shard regularly. The trick is to take four leaves nasty shard that had been cleaned, and then eat it directly. In order not so pronounced, consume the leaves as vegetables.

  • Relieves Stomach Pain

Although heartburn mild disease included in the group, but still may not be disepelehkan. Gastric ulcer disease will cause pain and tenderness, to ease it can be done by eating three leaves nasty shard that had been cleaned as vegetables.

  • Treating Itching Due Ulat Bulu

Silkworm is an animal that has fine hairs that give effect to itch when exposed to the skin surface. The intense itching is very annoying and can cause red bumps. This can be overcome by rubbing leaves nasty shard on the affected skin.
Despite the nasty shard is a plant that can be used as a traditional medicine, but selingilah through constant medical treatment and even more so want to overcome a serious illness. To get the maximum treatment, first make sure that does not choose the wrong type of plant and sure to use only the leaves nasty shard in a fresh state

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Efficacy And Benefits Leaves Salam For Health

Salam is a plant that grows in the yard or garden. Its usefulness has been known from ancient times as a spice in cooking that is typical Indonesia. While the health benefits bay leaf also has many proven through official and independent research.

The content of nutrients and non-nutritional substances called phytonutrients are major contributors to drug efficacy bay leaf gout, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure to help you lose weight.

Efficacy leaf spice this one can be used as medicine for diarrhea, abdominal pain, cholesterol, acute ulcer until made traditional toothpaste. So, a proven and tested regards utilization of plant leaves are not limited cooking only.

bay leaves for health benefits
Benefits of bay leaf preparations to treat diseases

For those of you who like to cook, the benefits of dried bay leaves to flavor the food is not in doubt. However, do you know if the type of wild bay leaves have a bitter taste and smell less sweet?

The content of leaves were full of health benefits
  • The essential oil contains eugenol and methyl kavikol
  • The ethanol extract as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial
  • The methanol extract as an anti-worm
  • Bay leaf chemical constituents include flavonoids, tannins and essential oil
  • Vitamin B complex and vitamin C is useful as lowering uric acid levels

How to choose a bay leaf to be processed as traditional medicine

  • Select the leaves are wide, bright green color and fresh look.
  • For dry leaves, choose which is not easily broken and not perforated.

Efficacy And Leaves Salam For Health Benefits
1. scent cuisine
Combine fresh or dried leaves into dishes such as meat, fish, rice or vegetables that cooking smells more fragrant. The content of natural substances in it is also beneficial to maintain health by increasing endurance. So, do not hesitate to include a greeting on your dishes.
2.Make a clean white teeth
Toothpaste is traditionally made from herbal ingredients proven to whiten teeth yellow naturally and safely. Drying the bay leaf and orange peel until dry. Puree with ground water and mix the two together. Mix well to form a paste such as toothpaste. Feel the efficacy of dried bay leaves to whiten teeth naturally through refined traditional toothpaste.
the benefits of dried bay leaves
Dried bay leaf usefulness not only as a food seasoning
3. Lowering cholesterol and diabetes
Provide 10-15 leaves are still fresh, dry briefly and then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only. After the cold and filtered water decoction of the leaves and drink well at night. Do it regularly so that cholesterol and diabetes speedy recovery.
4. Benefits of bay leaf to diet
For those of you who have a problem of excess weight, diet concoction of leaves you can try to lose excess weight. Wash 20-30 leaves and then boiled together 4 cups of water. After remaining 2 cups, lift and wait for it to cool. Drink 2 times a day morning and evening each 1 cup in order to lose weight naturally.
5. Treating diabetes
Boil 7-15 leaves with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup only. Strain and wait for it to cool and then drink well before. Do it twice a day so that the properties of leaves is absorbed by the body.
6. Lowering blood pressure
Provide 7-10 leaves are still fresh, boiled together with 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain then drink a decoction of leaves a day two times each half a glass.
Herbal tea leaves boiled water
Illustration of boiled water into a herbal tea leaves
7. Treating acute ulcer
For those of you who suffer from ulcers, bay leaf benefits can be a natural cure the disease. Rinse 15-20 fresh leaves. Boil ½ liter of water to boil for 15 minutes. Add palm sugar (sugar) to taste. After a cold boiled water, drink the water as a herbal tea. Do it every day until the pain disappeared and a full stomach.
8.Overcoming hangover
The usefulness of plants greeting this one does not take advantage of the leaves, but the fruit. Wash a handful of laurel cook, mash and squeeze the juice. Strain the juice of laurel and then drank to get drunk quickly lost due to alcohol.
9. Treating diarrhea naturally
Besides using guava fruit that is still young, bay leaves can also be used to treat diarrhea. Provide 15 fresh bay leaves. Boil two cups of water to a boil. Add a little salt and wait until cool. Drinking water is at once so that diarrhea recover quickly.

Leaves Benefits Regards To Uric Acid

Provide 10 bay leaves dry or drying the leaves are still fresh in the sun. Make sure there is no dirt on the surface before the process into traditional medicine.
Boiling the leaves  salam for uric acid should wear a pan, kettle, or cauldron. Boil 10 cups water wearing a medium heat, then reduce the heat after boiling. Enter the 10 dried bay leaves and boil again until the water remaining 7 cups only.

bay leaf boiled water for uric acid
Dried bay leaves that have been boiled with boiling water

In order for traditional medicinal herbs, bay leaves can effectively reduce levels of uric acid in the blood, drinking regularly 1-2 times a day. Keep boiled water in a sealed container that is airtight so the properties could last for 2-3 days. On the next day, boiled (panasi) a minute before drinking.

Avoid foods high in substances purines like sardines, seafood (clams, squid, shrimp), poultry (ducks, geese, birds), organ meats (liver, gizzard, intestine, brain, lung, etc.), meat extracts (broths instant) , and the type of food made with additional materials such as fermented yeast, brem, donuts, breads, and a variety of other fermented foods.

In order for the presentation leaves as an herbal medicine is more attractive and tempting, we present the selection of juice recipes are certainly tasty and nutritious.

Benefits Leaves Bed For Traditional Medicine Dengue

White jasmine is a plant species with pinnate compound leaves (pinnate). Jasmine leaf health benefits for them can cure dengue. Not only that, for nursing mothers there is a special purpose which is to reduce the production of breast milk (ASI) is excessive. These plants tend to be easy to find because its viability is not dependent by a local geographical conditions. You can see the white jasmine thrives in the yard, garden and even the roadside.

jasmine plant

Here is a list of traditional medicines made from the leaves of white jasmine, note the dose and the dose that can be absorbed by the body natural properties to the fullest.

  1. Treat colitis : Set up a handful of fresh jasmine leaves, boiled in 3 cups of water. Wait until the remaining 1 cup only. Strain, discard the cooking water stools and grab earlier. Drinking regularly twice a day for 2 weeks. If colitis improved, continue until it is completely healed.
  2. Treat dengue :Take a handful of leaves that are still fresh, well prepared 1.25 grams of starfruit. Wash both materials up and then boiled with 1 ½ cups of water until the water is reduced to one glass. Wait until cool then strain and drink the water. The suggested dosage is 8 glasses a day for three days.
  3. Stopping extra milk : Take a handful of white jasmine leaves, wash clean. Mash until smooth then put on around the breast to reduce milk production. Meanwhile, to facilitate breastfeeding, use papaya leaves warm (put on the fire until softened).
  4. Overcoming RedEye : Paste jasmine leaf that has been pounded into powder to your forehead. If the herb is dry, immediately replace the new. Perform routine every day until the eyes are not red.

White jasmine leaf will be more efficacious if it is still in a fresh state for natural substances are still intact. Do not hesitate to start taking advantage of the abundant natural goodness around you.

Benefits of Avocado Leaves drug For Back Pain And Urinary Stone

Avocado leaves for health benefits is that it can dissolve kidney stones and treat lumbago. How to consume fairly simple herbal tea is made by boiling a few moments with hot water.

Avocado plant originated in Central America, all parts of this plant has tremendous benefits ranging from fruits, leaves, and fruit seeds.

the benefits of avocado leaves as a cure lumbago medicine

Besides the fruit is widely consumed in various forms of processed drinks or food, avocado leaves can also be processed into tea drinks.

Efficacy of avocado leaf tea is not messing around, for people with bladder stones herbal tea consumption is beneficial shed kidney stones.

Meanwhile, for those of you who suffer from health problems in the waist, avocado leaf herbal tea herbal medicine can be safe and efficacious as long as taken according to the rules.

There are so many types of traditional herbal medicine can be made at home without any special equipment. Let's say a breadfruit leaves are processed into nutritious tea for gout, heart disease, diabetes and liver disease. The key is to notice how to process and rules of taking as directed.

How to Make Avocado Leaf Tea To Drugs Pain And Kidney Stones

Provide some avocado leaves are still fresh, clean, and no holes. Wash up the dirt on the leaf surface is completely gone.

Boil two cups of water, put the avocado leaves into it. Wait a few moments until boiling. Lift and let stand until warm.

how to process avocado into herbal tea leaves

Rules drink or consume way:
Drink water avocado leaf decoction twice a day, morning and evening.
Drink regularly during the week God willing, you will feel the change in your medical condition and the illness gradually recovering.
It is true that the benefits of avocado leaves can be a cure lumbago medicine and break down kidney stones. But you need to consider, the drug is only an intermediary for healing. Willpower and determination accompanied by a prayer to the almighty is more valuable than any medicine.

Monday, January 23, 2017

A Few Things feared of Pregnant Women

Awaiting the birth of beloved baby can be a fun and thrilling moment. However, during pregnancy, there are many things that are often feared or feared pregnant women, especially if this is the first experience.

The most important thing to remember is fine, if you are (pregnant) in healthy condition, you do not need to worry too much and panicked. To that end, Alyssa Dweck, M.D., an assistant professor in the department of obstetrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine recommends that pregnant women are more focused to maintain their health rather than worrying about things that are not necessary.

"Pregnant women who maintain and optimize her health condition even before pregnancy by exercising, eating healthy foods, and also get good prenatal care, is expected to enjoy her pregnancy rather than worrying about things you do not need," he said.

A Few Things feared Pregnancy

However, according to Dweck, condition healthy pregnant women do not seem strong enough to dampen excessive worry pregnant women against pregnancy. To that he said several things that often worry about pregnant mothers. What are they? Here's his review ..

1. Miscarriage

Dweck says that one in five pregnancies may end in miscarriage which usually occurs in 10 to 12 weeks. But most of these cases are caused by abnormalities geneti, and it is difficult to prevent. So, fearing it really does not benefit pregnant women. However, pregnant women can still reduce the risk of miscarriage by not smoking and keeping the weight increase within the limits of healthy standard.

In the event of pain in early pregnancy or bleeding, immediately to consult with your doctor to ensure that a miscarriage. If your pregnancy is otherwise fine and not a problem, then it's time you stop worrying and start to think positively.

Even if you've had a miscarriage before, the percentage of miscarriage again in a subsequent pregnancy is not increased, too, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D, a clinical professor at Yale Medical School.

2. Fear of hurting the baby when bumped

Is normal if a pregnant woman worried about the fetus as her body clash inadvertently. But the good news is, most likely hurt the baby because of the incident is very small. This, according to Minkin, because there is one ton of the protective amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.

3. The baby suffered birth defects

Most birth defects can not be prevented, but such cases are very rare. Congenital defects occur only about 3-4 percent of infants, and that means 96-97 percent of newborn babies will not experience it.

Dweck says that we are greatly benefited by the presence of modern technology that has been providing high-resolution ultrasound. This technology allows us to detect abnormalities in infants with ease, ranging from finger numbering less to heart abnormalities.

Therefore, to minimize the risk of abnormalities in the baby, pregnant women are advised to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and certain drugs.

4. Premature Birth

The possibility to give birth prematurely is there, and the risk is greater for pregnant women who have previously given birth prematurely or have bleeding. However, according to Minkin, cases of preterm labor occurs only in 10 percent of pregnancies.

Instead of worrying about it, pregnant women are better focused to maintain her weight remains in the healthy standard pregnant women to diabetes and her blood pressure is maintained. If both increases are not controlled, it can cause early contractions. However, in general, during pregnancy condition pregnant women stay healthy, then no need to worry too much going preterm delivery (usi womb before 37 weeks), experts said.

5. Pain during childbirth

Many pregnant women who feel concerned just before the birth or labor, ranging from can not reach the hospital in time, the pain is remarkable, to worry remove dirt when push. Of course the worry is reasonable for the pregnant mother and the birth process is ill. But there are effective and safe choice that can be done such as spinal and epidural anesthesia, as well as breathing and relaxation techniques, Dweck said.

As for the case when pushing the dirt out should not be a concern. Many pregnant women who experience it, and it is commonplace for doctors and the people who help the delivery process. So there is no reason to worry too much against it. Even the fact, "if you do not defecate, so you can understaffed to push and push," says Minkin.

6. Neck baby tangled cord

Is commonplace if the baby's neck twisted cord. This case could occur in 25 percent of pregnant women. However, according to Dweck, it need not be feared. The amniotic fluid has been providing protective features that are sufficient to limit nuchal cord with the baby's neck. Dweck explains that very rarely happens if the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck until some winding up eventually cause problems. Even if there were, this is an exception.

7. emergency Caesarean section

The likelihood of a cesarean section caused emergencies is very small. If it happens, it is probably due to the baby's heartbeat does not sound strong, baby tangled umbilical cord, the placenta separates from the uterine wall, where the current state of the membranes have ruptured. However, the greater chance you do not experience it. Minki explained that cases like this occur no more at 1-2 per cent, but of course the obstetrician can not predict it.

Those are some things that often worry about pregnant mothers. Instead of worrying about these things, pregnant women are encouraged to stay focused on the health condition of the body making it more enjoying her pregnancy and avoid the stress that can cause problems in pregnancy. May be useful..

Best Fruits For Diabetics Consumed

Fructose is a form of sugar contained in fruits that have a negative impact for people with diabetes and those who are overweight. But they can still enjoy the mango fruit or wine as long as it is not consumed in excess.

Doctors encourage people with diabetes to consume certain fruits that are not only beneficial to the body, but also can control the insulin. There are a number of pieces are quite friendly for people with diabetes. What are they? Check out his review below ...

Fruits are safe for diabetics
1. Red Grapefruit
Grapefruit included in the citrus family, shaped like the fruit pomelo. Grapefruit is very popular and widely cultivated in the United States. Red Grapefruit is the best option for diabetics. Advised to eat half a grapefruit every day.

2. Oranges
Oranges are known for its vitamin C content is high. The fruit is also low in carbohydrates and contain potassium. As with grapefruit, orange is a safe choice for diabetics.

3. Berry
Family berries such as blueberries, raspberries, cranberries contain anti-oxidants are good for health. In addition, berries provide fiber, low in carbohydrates, and various vitamins.

4. Melon
Melon is rich in vitamins B and C, and beta-carotene, potassium, and lycopene. Consuming any kind of melon will provide a myriad of vitamins that the body needs.

5. Cherries
Cherries contain high anti-oxidant. In addition, cherries also contain carbohydrates and a low glycemic level. Consuming 12 cherries a day is good enough to maintain the health of your body.

6. peaches
Peaches are a good source of vitamins A and C. The fruit is also low in carbohydrates, but rich in potassium and fiber.

7. Apricot
Apricot fruit (prunes) contain high fiber and vitamin A. In addition, the fruit is low in carbohydrates. Apricot is a good choice for diabetics. Consumption of at least one apricots every day.

8. Apples
Apples also is one of the best choice for consumption. Besides rich in anti-oxidants, apples also contain fiber and vitamin C.

9. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit contains many nutrients your body needs such as vitamin C, fiber and potassium. The fruit is also low in carbohydrates, so it's good to be consumed by diabetics.

10. Pears
Pears are enriched with potassium and fiber. Just like kiwi fruit, pears contain carbohydrates so low that the fruit is very appropriate to be consumed mainly by diabetics.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Benefits of strawberries

It was indeed sour, but who does not like the red fruit of this? Bakery, confectionery, dairy, garnish cakes, jams, almost all wearing the processed strawberries. Certainly not without reason strawberry widely used and consumed. Benefits of strawberries is one reason why the fruit is widely used and consumed by the public.
Strawberries are known to help the healing process of bleaching teeth or acne. However, the benefits of strawberries not only that. Here is the content of strawberries and their benefits.
1. Vitamin
Strawberry fruit rich in vitamins that are beneficial for the body. Vitamin C contained strawberries are natural antioxidants that can fight free radicals that cause infections and. Vitamin C also enhances the immune system and lowers blood pressure. The combination of vitamin C with folic acid and flavonoids can provide protection to the body against various cancers. In addition, vitamin B complex in strawberries helps the body digest and process a variety of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Strawberry fruit also contains vitamins A and E. The combination of vitamins A and E, flavonoids can fight free radicals that can trigger a variety of diseases and premature aging. Vitamin K present in strawberries also plays a role in the process of strengthening of bones.
2. Antioxidants
Just like other fruit, strawberries also contain antioxidants which can counteract free radicals. Phenols contained in strawberries can fight various inflammation in the body, such as osteoarthritis and asthma. Anthocyanins also can fight cancer, inflammation, and nerve pain.
3. Fiber
Strawberry fruit contains calories in low numbers, but it has fiber that is easily absorbed. These fibers can facilitate the digestive system, lowers blood pressure, and curb appetite. In other words, good strawberry included in the diet.
4. Mineral
The benefits of strawberries were also obtained from the minerals it contains. Manganese in the mineral can control blood pressure and heart work. Manganese also serves in the process of bone formation and maintaining the correct bone structure.

Benefits of Tea For Digestion

Drinking tea, whatever its type, bringing a lot of kindness. Not only for physical health, mental health can also be obtained from drinking tea. One physical health is good for digestive health. What are the benefits of tea for digestion? Let's discuss all of them.
The benefits of tea for digestion has been known since long. It can be seen from the habits of the past that used black tea bitter as upset stomach (diarrhea). The following are the other benefits of various types of tea for digestive health.
• Tea ginger for digestive problems. Teh this one made by adding pieces of ginger black tea into the water to boil. Usefulness is to address a wide range of digestive complaints. Such as diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal cold.
• Peppermint tea to overcome digestive problems. Such as ginger tea, peppermint tea also has properties to overcome the problem of digestive health (such as reducing the formation of stomach gas). The difference, peppermint tea is not added to the tea leaves but immediately made tea (brewed with hot water).
• Chamomile tea to overcome digestive problems. Chamomile tea is made by adding chamomile flowers on green tea or black tea when brewed with hot water. This type of tea is able to overcome the problems associated with inflammation of the gastrointestinal digestive organs.
• The tea leaf china teak (senna leaf tea) to improve digestion. China teak leaf tea or tea leaf senna has been proven to be effective in digestion. For constipation and want to clean the digestive organs, this type of tea can be used. Because that's laxative properties, tea is often used as a slimming tea. Teak china tea leaves or tea leaves of senna are made only from senna leaves without additional other tea leaves.
• Tea lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) to overcome digestive problems. Teh this one is made from the leaves of plants lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Usefulness is to restore vitality, indigestion, and soothing the nerves are tense. This type of regular tea
Mediterranean people eat.
• dandelion tea to enhance the effectiveness of digestion. Teh this one is made from the entire plant dandelion. The leaves, stems, flowers or roots. This type of tea contains vitamins A, C, D, and B complex as well as iron potassium, and zinc. With this implies,
dandelion tea efficacious lot to digestion. For example, is a healthy stomach, increased appetite, reduce the formation of stomach gas, smooth bowel movement, and make full.
• Green tea to improve digestion. Efficacy was similar to tea tea leaf china teak. However, green tea has the advantage, that is rich in antioxidants that are beneficial as an antidote to various cancers. For example, colon cancer and colon.
That's some of the benefits of tea for digestion. Please select the type of tea that you like best. May be useful.

Melon Fruit Benefits

Melons may be less famous than his brother the watermelon. The price is also cheap, unlike other fruits. However, that does not mean the benefits of melon be underestimated.
Melon has many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, not only against free radicals like other fruits. Benefits of melon more than that. Here the content in melons and their benefits for the body.
1. Vitamin
The content of vitamins in fruits, including melon complete and everything was very instrumental in maintaining the health of our bodies.
Vitamin C is in the melon not only serves as an antioxidant, but also play a role in the growth and maintenance of cells in the body tissues. Indirectly, vitamins in this fruit helps the healing process. In addition, this vitamin is also good for healthy bones and teeth.
Vitamin A in melon role in maintaining and taking care of the retina, so that the fruit is very good for eye health. Vitamin A is also very good for healthy teeth, skin and bones. Based on research, a person deficient in vitamin A will experience a decrease in endurance.
2. Mineral
Minerals in the melon is good for digestion. These minerals can get rid of the acidity in the stomach which in turn can interfere with digestion. This mineral also can cure constipation.
3. Anticoagulants
The content of the anticoagulant in the melon can prevent blood clots in the body, allowing the body to avoid the attack of stroke and various heart diseases.
4. Diuretic
One more benefit of the melon is not shared by other fruit is the fruit contains a diuretic that can help cure kidney pain.
5. Carotenoids
Carotenoids in melon fruit useful to prevent cancer, and great can reduce the risk of lung cancer.
6. Lycopene
Lycopene content in melons can prevent cell damage and prevent heart attacks.
There are many other benefits of melon, but one thing is for sure, the water content in melons can provide freshness and also very good for our skin.

Dragon Fruit Benefits For Heart Health

What do you think of when you hear the word dragon fruit? Maybe that comes to mind is a dragon that usually appears in the fairy tale, which tells of a brave knight who managed to rescue a beautiful princess, which is in brackets in a high tower. The tower was manned by a dragon can breathe fire.
Certainly not the dragon like that. But the fruit that grows on a plant. Called dragon fruit because his skin had scales like a dragon. The original name of this fruit was actually a pitaya fruit. Dragon fruit thrives in tropical and subtropical regions, in the region of South America and ASI. Dragon fruit tree itself prickly as cactus. The fruit is red in color with white or flesh colored dark red, and has black seeds.

Dragon fruit itself has a scientific name:
Ceraus, Acanthocereus, Echinocereus, Selenicereus, Stenocereus, Escontria, Myrthillocactus.
Dragon fruit is also known as well as:
Pitaya, Dragon fruit, Red Pitahaya, night blooming Cereus, Strawberry Pear, Belle of the Night, conderella plant.
Other common names:
France: Cierge- lezard, poire de chardon,
German: Echte Distelbirn Stachelbirn, Drachenfrucht.
Hawaii: Pa-nani-o-ka.
Portoguese: Cato-Barse, Cardo-ananaz.
Spain: Pithaya Roja (Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela): flor de caliz, pitajava (Puerto Rico); junco, junco Tapatio, pitahaya orejona, reina de la noche, tasajo (mexico)
Sweden: skogskaktus, pitahaya rod.
The nutritional value of 100 grams of dragon fruit is:

  • Air 80-90 grams
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 4-25 mg
  • Ash 0.4-0.7 grams
  • 6-10 mg calcium
  • calories: 35-50
  • 9-14 grams carbohydrate
  • Carotene (vitamin A) traces
  • 0.1 to 0.6 grams of fat
  • 0.3 to 0.9 g fiber
  • Iron 0.3-0.7 mg Niacin (Vitamin B3) from 0.2 to 0.45 mg
  • Phosphorus 16-36 mg
  • Protein from 0.15 to 0.5 g
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) traces
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) traces

Dragon fruit for health benefits:

  1. Boost the immune system. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber is beneficial for the body
  2. Helps digestion, because the dragon fruit is rich in fiber.
  3. Lowering blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  4. Prevent the formation of cancer cells caused by free radicals. Minerals and fiber contained in helping dragon fruit membersikan toxins in the colon. And prevents the occurrence of colon cancer.
  5. As an antioxidant, as contained vitamin C, minerals, and pytoalbumin high, then the dragon fruit could prevent free radical and anti-oxidant properties of air.
  6. Helps regulate cholesterol levels.

In addition, dragon fruit useful to accelerate wound healing, improve appetite, improve their eyesight, lose weight, improve memory.
The greatest benefits of dragon fruit is that it can help improve heart health. because it can reduce the level of bad cholesterol, and the possibility of plaque buildup in the arteries and veins are very low or even not possible. The content of the dragon fruit is positive can enable HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) nyang koresterol can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol by reducing the receptors in the walls of arteries. According to a study published in the journal Farmakognisi in 2010, the researchers Menemuan that eating dragon sump can help lower the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. because the dragon fruit membunyai kandugan monosaturade fat that helps keep our hearts in good keaadan. Besides, dragon fruit can lower the oxidative stress levels are high, which is one of the main factors for heart disease.
To enjoy the dragon fruit, in addition to the consumption directly, dragon fruit juice also can be made, and can be in the mix with other fruits to add flavor, as the following example.
dragon fruit smoothie.
1 dragon fruit flesh take part only
1 banana
1 cup of coconut water
1 cup ginger juice.
Mix all ingredients and ready to enjoy.
Behind the appearance that a bit extreme, dragon fruit has a flavor that is a little tasteless. Much like a melon, but not too sweet. After know of the benefits of dragon fruit, do not forget to always keep a dragon fruit at home, other than beautiful to decorate the house. The benefit was no less important to the body.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How to Cope Headaches with Natural Ways

Headache is a pain that occurs on the head. Headache is divided into several types of which are migraine headaches, cluster headaches, vertigo, prolonged headache, etc. Some causes headaches among which are: too much to consume caffeine, eating late, due to stress, dehydration, etc. Someone who is experiencing headaches tormented result of the pain. Most people can not move and just lay in bed alone.

how to cope with a headache

Once you know some of the causes of headaches, you also will want to know how to cope with a headache without drugs are:
1. Using Banana
Banana contains rich in potassium and magnesium. The content can help to relieve migraine. You can eat bananas to reduce pain in the head.
2. Drinking Water
As yng have known one of the causes of headaches due to dehydration. So if your headache immediately drink water. Get used to consume water at least 8 glasses per day.
3. Eating Chips
In addition due to dehydration, headaches can also be caused due to loss of fluid electrolytes such as potassium. Well, you should consume potatoes because potatoes contain potassium. The trick is potatoes with the skin can be grilled or boiled and not fried.
4. Eat Foods or Beverages Containing Mint
If the headache you suffer as a result of late to eat, you should eat foods or drinks that contain mint because this is the best way to treat headaches.
5. Using Ice Cubes
Ice cubes can be used to reduce headaches. The trick is compress or rubbing ice cubes on the head slowly.
6. Sleep Regularly
To avoid the headache you take sleeping 7 to 8 hours per day.
7. Avoid Stress
Stress becomes one of the triggers of headaches.
8. massage
Massage at the head of the hospital approximately 15 minutes. You can also use peppermint oil smeared on the forehead or back of the neck. Peppermint oil can be as natural cortisone cream to reduce pain and can help calm the nerves.

In addition to how to cope with a headache without medicine, the disease is also available generic drugs headache and is available in pharmacies or drug stores. The drug is a drug such as paracetamol, sistenol and others. These drugs are analgesics that works to reduce pain in the head. But if you are reluctant to use generic drugs, you can use the above methods as a natural remedy for headaches is safe to use and does not adversely affect your health later.

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Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women

Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women - Milk is a beverage that has a high protein intake. Not only high in protein alone, in milk also has more nutritional content of such vitamins and phytonutrients that are beneficial to health. There are two types of milk that can be consumed by humans, namely milk derived from animal protein and dairy products derived from vegetable protein.

Milk derived from animal protein, consisting of cow's milk, goat's milk and buffalo milk. While milk derived from vegetable protein, such as soy milk and almond milk. In Indonesia alone state, soy milk is processed into a variety of flavors, like the original, chocolate, strawberry, ginger and others. All these variants have good taste.

Not only good for consumption, soy milk also has many health benefits that are beneficial for the body, especially for pregnant women. Inside there is the nutritional content of soy milk in the form of folic acid, calcium, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin E so it is good for the health of pregnant women and the fetus. Soy milk can also be used as an alternative option for those who are allergic to animal protein.

Citing information from, here are some health benefits of soy milk for pregnant women. As for this are as follows:

5 Benefits of Soy Milk for Pregnant Women

  • Helps Nerve and Brain Development of Baby

Soy milk has enough folic acid content is high. The content of folic acid's function is to assist the development of nerve and brain so that babies are born with a healthy brain, then gradually folic acid may increase the level of intelligence.

  • Adequate intake of Vitamin

Contained in soy content of some vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin E. The vitamin can ensure adequate intake of vitamins needed by pregnant women and the development of the fetus.

  • Creating Optimal Developing Fetus

Soy milk has protein consisting of lysine, arginine, and glycine teronin. All content of these proteins have the ability to control the organs of the fetus in order to grow in a healthy, complete and optimal.

  • Energy sources

During pregnancy, a woman became tired while doing the activity, especially during heavy activity. Pregnant is not an excuse for lazy, because pregnant women should keep exercising and moving so that the delivery process to be smooth. To make it happen, pregnant women require more energy intake. The energy can be obtained by consuming soy milk.

  • Reducing Cholesterol Evil

Soy milk has a vegetable fat which serves to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Pregnant women who have high cholesterol levels will adversely affect the health of the body and the fetus in her womb. Therefore, it is recommended to consume soy milk.

Pregnant women need more nutrients than women who are not pregnant. Although soy milk has many benefits for pregnant women, but pregnant women still have to meet the needs of other nutrients such as increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. And do not forget to keep living a healthy lifestyle, with regular rest, sufficient fluid requirements needed by the body, not lazy to move, do not consume excessive amounts of caffeine, do not smoke and do not consume food - beverages containing alcohol. To make sure the fetus is healthy, do periodic examination is to perform an ultrasound at least 6 months. When there are strange things, you should quickly consult a gynecologist.

In order to get the most out of soy milk, you should still consume within reasonable levels. Therefore, everything that is used and consumed in excess will not give good results. Another important thing that is equally important to note is, be sure to consume soy milk that is original and free from a mixture of ingredients that are harmful to the health of pregnant women and the fetus. In order to ensure its authenticity, you should make your own soy milk from soy bean extract.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Benefits of Korma for Pregnant Women

Korma is a type of fruit that comes from the Middle East countries, namely Saudi Arabia. Korma tree can grow in sandy soils with sufficient temperature extremes. In the country of Indonesia, korma fruit is also widely consumed, especially during Ramadan. At the time of sahur and iftar korma is a fruit that is consumed by the Muslim Ummah in a month full of grace. Because, in the palm there is the content amount of nutrients that are beneficial to increase energy, maintain digestive health and can meet the nutrition lost during fasting.

Not only good for consumption and provide a number of benefits for the health of the body, it also has benefits korma is good for pregnant women. Everyone must know that pregnant women need more nutrition than women who are not pregnant. Due to meet the nutritional intake for pregnant women can make the mother and fetus to be healthy.

During pregnancy, a woman is always advisable to run a healthy lifestyle that is the way a lot of rest, eating the food - nutritious beverages, not lazy to move, do not smoke and do not consume drugs. One type of intake of nutrients that should be consumed by pregnant women are vegetables and fruits.

Citing information from, korma is a fruit that can be consumed by pregnant women because it constitutes a source of nutrients for both mother and fetus. The content consists of a source of minerals and vitamins. The mineral content contained in dates include potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium and iron. As for the content of vitamins in it consists of vitamin A, vitamin K, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin.

Given all of the nutrient content, it is not surprising if korma has benefits for pregnant women. To know more clearly the benefits, know the following information about the benefits of dates for pregnant women. Some of them are taken from the source

6 Benefits Korma for Pregnant Women

  • Preventing and Treating Anemia

Because it has a sweet taste can be ascertained that in the palm there is sugar content. Sugar contained in the palm fruit can be used to prevent and treat anemia or lack of blood that is often experienced by pregnant women.

  • Improve Digestive System

When a pregnant woman will often experience indigestion problems such as constipation and bowel obstruction. To overcome this can be done by eating korma for nutrition in it has the ability to launch the digestive system.

  • Can Increase Energy

The content of glucose contained in the palm to upgrade and increase energy in the body, especially for pregnant women. The reason, pregnant women require more energy to do activities.

  • Stimulate Brain Nerve

One of the mineral content in the palm, which is potassium can be used to stimulate the nerves of the brain that functions to increase the intelligence of the brain and can be used to sharpen memory.

  • Maintaining Healthy Bones and Teeth

Calcium, phosphorus and other minerals contained in the korma is very beneficial for the health and development of the fetus. Because the mineral content in the palm of the role is to facilitate the formation of bones and teeth of the baby. The mineral content are also needed by pregnant women to avoid the disease of bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

  • Feeding fetal brain

In the korma are folic acid content which can be used to educate the fetal brain and assist in the formation of the fetal brain to be more perfect.
Therefore all, pregnant women are advised to eat three pieces of the palm each day. When bored to consume dates directly, make the processed palm that has a delicious taste like a fruit salad mixed with palm, date palm juice, cake palm, palm juice and others.

How to Eliminate tinea versicolor Natural and miraculous

Everyone will want to free her body tinea versicolor. This one disease caused by fungus on the skin. Usually tinea versicolor attack to the face, neck, back and body parts lainnya. symptom beginning of tinea versicolor disease can be characterized by white patches on the skin, well if it has visible signs symptoms should be treated early, because if left in place long the skin fungus can spread rapidly to whole body skin. Skin fungus disease on a person is very disturbing, tinea versicolor can make a person less confident  especially if it is on your face then you will definitely feel insecure when meeting and meet with other people.]

How to remove tinea versicolor in the face

How to Eliminate tinea versicolor can be made using natural ingredients. Natural materials is very easy to come by in our environment. The following tips are naturally  Eliminate tinea versicolor namely:
- Garlic
The trick is sliced ​​1 garlic clove into two parts then rub the part that gets gummy garlic skin contained tinea versicolor. Perform 2 times daily after showering regularly every morning and evening until the tinea versicolor completely lost.
- Galangal
The trick is to grate some ginger until soft, then squeeze and take water after that, apply a water ginger juice to the body that there is tinea versicolor. Do it regularly every shower until the tinea versicolor completely disappear.
- Sulfur
Sulfur has a mineral content is a very powerful one to kill mushroom fungi that cause tinea versicolor skin. How to prepare sulfur taste then finely crushed. After that mix the sulfur that has been refined with lemon juice add coconut oil. Apply the concoction was on the skin there is tinea versicolor. Perform routine 2-3 times a day until the tinea versicolor disappeared.
- Starfruit
You do this by smoothing some starfruit then mixed with water whiting, stir well and then apply evenly on the skin there is tinea versicolor. To get maximum results do twice a day.
- Aloe vera (Aloe vera)
How to prepare an aloe vera stem, then break and use the slime of aloe vera to rub the skin there tinea versicolor.

Tinea versicolor efficacious drugs

How to remove tinea versicolor in the face can also use materials such as the above. Because the materials are natural ingredients that will not cause any side effects if used on the face.

Natural  drugs of tinea versicolor safer to use than with the use of chemical drugs.
If you choose to use herbal medicine tinea versicolor then you've chosen the right way to treat skin fungus disease permanently. tinea versicolor efficacious drugs already stout on the market, so you will not be difficult to get it.  drug tablet of tinea versicolor can usually be found in pharmacies, if you are a hassle to use natural materials because it will make you a bit of a hassle because they have to make it so eat the  drug tablets tinea versicolor  can be your second choice.
Well now you already know relievers natural tinea versicolor, so you do not have to worry anymore if you want to remove tinea versicolor in your body