Sunday, February 7, 2016

Lemongrass For Traditional Medicine

Citronella or lemongrass has a sweet aroma and nutritional contributions to health. Because of the fragrance, Lemongrass used as raw material for making soap, lotions or oils. Besides its use fragrance, Lemongrass is also beneficial to cure the disease. You can create your own citronella as traditional medicine such as cough medicine, toothache, sprain ulcer drug or drugs with the following recipe.
Serai discount antibacterial and antimicrobial content so it is good to prevent infection. In addition, the compounds are useful analgesic to relieve the pain of headaches, pain in the muscles and joints. Another benefit of lemongrass is that it can be used to reduce the heat, break down phlegm, treat coughs, mouthwash and body warmers.
Efficacy Serai
If you want to try it yourself efficacy of lemongrass, please practice the following recipe.
Cough medicine
If your cough does not go away, you can try the lemongrass recipes with ingredients to heal.
Recipes I:
Boil 50 grams of dried lemon grass leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil until the water shrinks to half a glass. Drink 3 times a day to get rid of cough.
Recipes II:
Take 5 grams of lemon grass roots. Wash up and then boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. For two decoction to drink in the morning and evening.
Toothache medicine
40 grams of fresh lemon grass leaves boiled in 2 cups of water until the water ½ cup. Use the cooking water as a mouthwash for sore tooth.
Drug Sprain or Strain
2 stalks lemongrass, 3 pieces of crushed pecans and a little water. Heat over the fire. After hot enough, place it on a sprained parts.
Ulcer pain medication
40 grams of fresh lemon grass boil in 2 cups of water and let it run until the water remaining ½ cup. Drink 2 times a day to get the properties.
Drug Mosquito Repellent
Place the lemongrass leaves of the olive oil in a container along with aromatherapy. Light a candle that is under container aromatherapy. A flaming fire will make the fragrant leaves of lemongrass spread. This fragrance is not like mosquitoes, so it is useful to repel mosquitoes.
Eliminate Pain and Heating Body
You can apply citronella oil on the body to relieve joint pain, muscle aches or headaches. Lemongrass oil is used as boreh will give a sense of warmth to the body and the amount of useful analgesic reducing pain. Citronella oil can be purchased at pharmacies or drug stores.
Note the Following when Using Serai
Citronella oil was very hot, therefore, citronella oil should not be used directly because in some people, citronella oil may cause irritation to the skin, especially if your skin is quite sensitive skin. As a workaround, you can add the new oil solvent prior to use on the skin so that the oil used is not too thick. Olehkan first on a small area of ​​skin and see if skin irritation or not. Lemongrass oil is also not recommended for use in pregnant women can increase heart rate excessively.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Garlic Benefits

For the health benefits of garlic has been used in a number of practice of traditional medicine. Garlic is used as one of the most important culinary herbs, has many health benefits. Here below is more information about the benefits of garlic for health.

Eating garlic is very beneficial to health, it has been used for over 500 years now. Besides popular for use as a spice in many culinary dishes, there are also people who enjoy eating a few cloves of raw garlic, without worrying about their bad breath. It can be consumed in the form of powder or oil form. Nutrition and a variety of herbal medicinal properties of garlic are what makes it so useful.
Garlic Benefits

The nutritional content of garlic

There are various benefits of garlic for health, it is because garlic contains nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and manganese. It is a rich source of sulfur compound called allicin, as the cause of the pungent smell of garlic. Other sulfur compounds contained in garlic, among others arginine, saponins, beta carotene, ferulic acid, geraniol, and various polyohenol. Garlic has a variety of properties such as antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and analgesic. Garlic when cooked tend to lose some nutrients, but still can be beneficial for health.

Garlic's health benefits

Nutrition and characteristics of garlic provides health benefits if consumed regularly.

One of the benefits of garlic for health is the ability to fight and protect against the development of harmful free radicals. The ability to have especially shown by garlic old, who has a very strong antioxidant effect.

Cold and cough medicine
Garlic is the most known medicine to treat colds, coughs, and runny nose caused by allergies. This is because garlic is a rich source of vitamin C and antiviral properties as well as a powerful antibacterial. Garlic also has the ability to reduce upper respiratory tract infections are severe.

drug infection
Allicin and antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic properties contained in garlic makes it very useful in combating and curing many kinds of infection.

Anti cancer
Research has shown that compounds in garlic help in overcoming cancer. Certain compounds help white blood cells in defending the body against cancer cells and slow the growth and development of cancer cells.

Daily consumption of garlic is useful to increase the level of insulin secretion that helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Cholesterol and blood pressure
One of the benefits of garlic is that it helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels for the nutrients and minerals it contains.

impotence treatment
Garlic aphrodisiac properties make it useful in the treatment of impotence. Garlic contains an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase which helps overcome impotence.

The immune system
Regular consumption of garlic a day can boost the immune system. Garlic increases the production of white blood cells and interferon enzymes that boost the immune system.

Improve brain performance
The sulfur compounds - sallylcystein help improve brain function by improving memory and prevent the degeneration of the frontal lobes of the brain.

These are some of the many benefits of garlic for health. You can also use and enjoy the health benefits of garlic by putting it in the daily menu or consume one or two cloves of garlic.

Eczema Treatment

Eczema treatment can be done at home. The treatment is directed first of all to cope with itching, sometimes intense and very annoying. If there are no drugs, then (temporarily) can be used cold water compresses (water ice) which replaced several times every hour to relieve the itching. Especially on wet eczema (with discharge) how to compress it fit for use.
Eczema Treatment

The drugs that are widely used in the treatment of eczema such as:

- Neutral Fat Cream (Krem Lanette)

Beige can be purchased freely in pharmacies. It's important to apply this cream in place of eczema, so that the skin moist levels maintained and avoid further drying and worsening of eczema.

- Ointments Ter

Ter ointment is the older drug that is still frequently used. Can be purchased freely in pharmacies tar ointment by 5-10%, which is often very useful to relieve the symptoms of eczema. The drawback is that it smells unpleasant.

- Antihistaminika

This drug is used to treat itching due to hives, dry skin and insect stings. These substances are efficacious against the effects of histamine, which is released in allergic reactions of mast cells of the skin and mucosa. Hisatamin is another major cause of the itching and swelling. Also on eczema, antihistaminika often can relieve itching, but it's good effects last only for a while. Its use on the skin is not recommended because it often leads to excessive sensitivity reactions.

Of the many preparations antihistamine available in the market, there are several free cream with good effects as itching, ie, promethazine (Phenergan) and tripelennamin (AAA), as well as lotion with diphenhydramine (comb. Caladryl).

When eczema spread throughout the body, it is more practical and effective to take medication (tablets, capsules, syrup), which works through the blood. Therefore, always ready promethazine (Phenergan), feniramin (Avil) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

If antihistaminika less effect, the doctor may prescribe prescription drugs, hormone hydrocortisone kidney sons, who in addition to fight inflammation, too powerless antigatal strong. That is widely used among others hydrocortisone (Locoid) and its synthetic derivative of triamcinolone (Kenacort) and fluokortolon (Ultralan).

- Hydrocortisone

A child-kidney hormone naturally. This is very powerful Kortikoida alleviate the immune response and relieve the itching of eczema, but only temporarily. After some time, the eczema will recur again suddenly. The first choice is hydrocortisone acetate 1% because these substances although his power is slower, but recurrence of symptoms is also not so fast compared to other drugs with properties that are 10-20 times more powerful.

How to use it is applying a cream / ointment hydrocortisone as thin as possible on the location of eczema. To strengthen the effect can be covered with a thin plastic sheet. If after 5 days not produce the effect, you can try other types of more powerful, such as hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% or 0.1% triamcinolone and if necessary also with plastic closures. Usually mild eczema subside and heal within 5-10 days.

Other drugs, particularly diflukortolon, the most robust efficacy and should be used as a reserve for cases of more severe. After five days (two times daily) with corticoid cream use should be limited to 2 times a week for under the epidermis being buried enough of the drug to work over the next 2-3 days. Treatment interspersed with a neutral beige, beige Lanette example, that after three days replaced with beige drug. Similarly, if the eczema is gone, the treatment must be continued some time with a neutral beige fat.

The side effects can be kisutnya epidermis and cuticle, which becomes thin as paper and when hit just a little pockmark blue and abrasions. Skin thinning also appear as stripes.

Monday, February 1, 2016

10 Danger Coffee for Women

Does Coffee dangerous for women? The coffee must have been familiar in Indonesia. Not Just in the Indonesia Coffee is also very well-known in other countries. So from that, drink coffee itself has been used as a hobby that regularly performed by many circles. For example, in morning drinking coffee, drinking coffee when working, drinking coffee at midnight , when to watch and in the much time. Up until the very many people who do not realize the danger of the coffee itself for him.

Danger of coffe for pregnancy

Coffee in fact harmful to health more so for women. We know that women have a physical state which is weaker in comparison with one person guy. The risk of drinking coffee would be very, very felt at all for women. Even this is not a time for very little research related to women's health hazards coffee. The question is why coffee is Dangerous for Women? Coffee has so much content that is dangerous when consumed in the mouth while the long term and in an amount that is not less. The following Harmful content imaginable to coffee:

1. Caffeine
Caffeine is a stimulant Central Nervous System (CNS). Caffeine is actually not just there for coffee, but also exist in various beverages such as soft drinks, tea, chocolate etc. Except that as well as contained in the many drugs such as diet pills, headache, and even in to 200 over the free medicine. Actually caffeine is harmless if consumed in the slightest that coupled together to drink water that is not little. Caffeine is harmful to the body when consumed in excessive manner and continously.

2. Niacin
Niacin is another form of vitamin B3. Niacin exception there is for coffee but also able to be contained to the meat, eggs. Niacin actually capable of treating many diseases such as cholesterol, cholera, dizziness, migraine etc. But if excessive niacin can be extremely dangerous even capable of causing kidney failure and had to carry out kidney transplants.

Dangers of Drinking Coffee for Women's Health
Here is the 10 dangers of drinking coffee that is absolutely  for you know, especially for  women.

1. Caffenism
Caffeine can create adrenal glands are stimulated then create strespun hormone triggered. That aspect of erosive Caffenism or syndrome that is felt after consuming coffee. This syndrome could be trouble for sleep or even insomnia, restless, anxious etc.

2. Constraints Digestion
Consuming caffeine with excessive way also capable of creating a disturbed digestion. In fact, in many cases exceeded caffeine consumption can be able to create a bit of damage to the hull it is for women who are vulnerable to the disease once magh very discouraged to consume coffee. Except that drinking coffee before eating is also cause nausea and ulcers can recur. Beyond that, because coffee contains acids also be capable of causing constipation abdominal pain.

3. Damage To The Bone
Each consuming about 350 mg of caffeine can reduce the amount of calcium your body a number of 5 mg. So from that coffee drinkers in an amount that would not be a bit dangerous for bone health . Because would lead to bone thinning.

4. Reduce The beauty Teeth
Drinking coffee could cause yellow teeth, rocky and even black. Women would appear to be cross-eyed when smiles and shared coffee consumption slightly exceeded not going to create a women less confident self when smiling.

5. Abnormalities of the Breast
When too much coffee is consumed breasts will sag and shrink. Not only that specific section of the breast can be the aberration due to fibrocystic changes. it can lead to many existing bulge to the breast that gave rise to discomfort and pain. According to research at Georgetown University's Department of Medicine, sometimes able to feel pain and even pain could be continous.

6. Premenstual Syndrome (PMS)
PMS has been no stranger to women. This syndrome is unusual tasted two weeks before menstruation and after breaking down the blood to the outside but there as well who experience this until after menstruation or menstruation. Well premenstrual syndrome is capable form of psychological, physical or emotional. Well this time what to do with coffee? caffeine in coffee will aggravate the symptoms earlier. Not Few women who do not rarely complained of headache, pain, and bloating these aspects can be caused by caffeine that has the properties reduces the amount of vitamin B and metabolic processes of the body.

7. Difficult Pregnant Women
Let the egg to the uterus so used contractions of the Fallopian tubes. This channel will be hampered if we consume too many caffeine. Thus the caffeine in coffee can damage  the transport path the oviduct from the ovaries to the uterus. and it can lead to difficult to get pregnant or even sterility. If drinking 4 or more cups of coffee during the day can lower the chance of pregnancy by 25 percent.

8. Disorders of Pregnancy
Dangers of Drinking Coffee for Pregnant Women is not in doubt, so many women are better to avoid coffee when pregnant with a baby. Each of a pregnant woman to consume as much as 100 mg of caffeine or less during pregnancy will reduce the weight of the baby of 28gr and will make time becomes longer birth approximately 5 hours. Usually the fetal heart rate is getting stronger or not berarutan. Especially if you consume more than 100 grams per day.

9. Miscarriage
Pregnant women who consume more than 300 mg of caffeine can increase as much as 2-fold risk of having a miscarriage. Caffeine enter the placenta can cause fetal lives are threatened because the fetus is not able to digest it all. So stay away from caffeine, especially caffeine in coffee. In order to stay healthy fetus in the womb and the wind can be born safely and perfectly.

10. Abnormalities of the baby
For those who know are pregnant  if you consume too much coffee during the first few days resulting in difficulty sleeping baby and his heart rate was faster. Babies could be born prematurely . Would be much better after melahirkanpun until the baby is not nursing mothers should reduce coffee.

It turned out that coffee is harmful to Women's Health and Beauty. Caffeinated coffee is certainly not good, even once the decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine in it just a little more than caffeine. If the coffee is consumed as much as 80-100 cups a day can lead to death. Well for those of you who love coffee because coffee draining of water in the body to replace drink two glasses of mineral water after drinking a cup of coffee. Reduce the name begadang coffee accompanied yes because it can make beauty to be reduced and it will make the face of seemingly old fast.

What is it and how is Mesothelioma Symptoms

People who often work in place that contains many harmful substances will definitely be affected. Although there is little if inhaled chemicals continues - again it will be very dangerous for health. Examples are people who often work closely with asbestos fibers. Sure, at first glance not what - what, but if left unchecked and those lacking health care, the health consequences will be disrupted and worse still will cause cancer disease that can kill at any time.

Understanding Mesothelioma 
Mesothelioma is a malignant cancer that is very rare and only affects people - certain people. This cancer develops in cells - cells meshothelium, while meshothelium it is a membrane that forms multiple layers of body cavity example, just like the chest cavity, abdominal cavity, heart sac. Malignant disease is most commonly found in workers who inhale substances contained in asbestos.

Causes of Mesothelioma

  • Too often encounter asbestos dust inhaled that substance or even ingested, addition of people - people could be affected sekitarnyapun example only wife or children who frequently wash the clothes of her husband who worked with asbestos can also lead to cancer.
  • Where there are many substances erionite mineral zeolite or a substance very similar to asbestos fibers. also able to cause the population affected by the disease of malignant mesothelioma.
  • Mesothelioma can be caused by asbestos contained in the building. In the UK alone there is ban on using asbestos as a dangerous substance enough.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

  • Chest is very painful at all
  • Out of breath
  • Anemia or lack of red blood cells
  • Often feel tired
  • Voice became very hoarse and coughing - coughing
  • Even some who have a cough with phlegm, but inside there is blood

Kind of - kind of Mesothelioma

  • Epithelioid mesothelioma
  • sarcomatoid mesothelioma
  • mesothelioma Biphasic
  • Mesothelioma diagnosis

If you are one of the workers who are frequently exposed to asbestos, and experience symptoms - symptoms of the above then you should immediately see a doctor and diagnose the disease. there are several ways to diagnose mesothelioma among others

  • X-tray
  • Biopsy
  • Immunochemystri

Deployment Stages Mesothelioma

phase I
In the first stage Mesothelioma lymph nodes have not been in a state of vulnerability. Besides the cancer is not yet in a state that is very severe and has not spread to organs - orann and networks - other body tissues.
phase II
When Mesothelioma is at the second stage, size enlarges and invades the lungs - lungs. Even nodes can participate beningpun affected as well. When mesothelioma is at the stage of stage 2 patients are still able to perform the operation. Although the chances of the cancer had spread for either side of the pleura.
phase III
At this stage means that the cancer is bad enough and have been unable to perform surgery or surgery on the patient. Damage will occur at the regional lymph nodes, esophagus and chest wall.
phase IV
This is the stage at the end of the artianvkanker been attacked in some other areas. Surgery is not no further use when you've reached the final stage. Because the cancer is not only spread to the chest but also has spread to all parts far away from the point of origin of the cancer to grow.

Mesothelioma treatment
We already know for now the cancer is not widely known cure, but there are few alternative treatments that must be followed if the Mesothelioma among others
1. Surgery
Sebenarya perform cancer surgery on a long - gradually became less believable because the success rates are small. Sometimes though managed the cancer cells will grow again - is growing again. Even the person who performed the surgery can only last for less than 12 months or a year.
2. Radiation
Radiation is often given in conjunction with chemotherapy. With a record of these diseases still tolerate radical surgery. Radioasi so it can be used as a treatment for post-pembedahan.Melakukan consolidative while chemotherapy and radiation after surgery may improve survival of patients. But the side effects are very heavy and very severe,
3. Chemotherapy
If that is sure you also often hear it right in terms movies in soap operas - soap operas. Chemotherapy is a treatment for mesothelioma disease that has proven to increase the survival of many patients. Patients were initially only able to survive less than 12 months can survive for 13 months or more.

there are many more ways that other treatments such as
Clinical Trials
multimodality therapy
Heated Intraperitoneal chemotherapy Introaperative
But you know sendirikan highly malignant cancer once and a lot of patients who died. But it must be remembered -this time we should never precedes God's decision and sentencing ourselves will not be cured and will die. Try to keep a positive minded and never give up. Because who knows only God gives magic to us. And for those of you who are currently in a healthy condition do a few ways to prevent cancer, because prevention is better than cure.